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Nubila distinguishes itself with large and consistent tubers

  • Medium early potato with high yield
  • Bright yellow skin, very good lightyellow flesh
  • Mild taste with a fine-grained texture
Nubila Aardappel

Maturity:                     Medium early
Plant:                          Fairly early maturity, large leaves
Tuber – Shape:           Long oval
Tuber – Skin colour:   Yellow
Tuber – Flesh colour:  Light yellow
Number of tubers:       9-12
Yield:                            Very high

Quality:                          AB
Dry matter content:      18.7 %
Blight – Foliage:            6 - Slightly susceptible
Blight – Tuber:              6 - Slightly susceptible
Common scab:               6- Slightly susceptible 
Virus Y:                          8 - Highly resistant
Drought:                        7 - Moderately resistant
Nematode - Ro 1-4:       Resistant

Robert Verbruggen

Want to know more about ZAP's potato varieties?

Through our careful selection of the right seed potato varieties, we are able to provide you with healthy seed potatoes that perform excellently in different conditions. We will gladly work with you to find the right potato that suits your operations!

Would you like to know more about our potato varieties or do you have a question about ZAP? Please feel free to contact us.


Robert Verbruggen